Wednesday, January 12, 2011

sausages in neon daisy dukes

New Years, New Years, New Years… In one word: EPIC.

I knew there was no other way to bring in the New Year than with the Koh Phangan Count Down Party (aka Full Moon Party).  If you've never heard of a Full Moon Party, google it.

The entire beach was a party... Photo taken by Zach
Think: long strip of beach, music blasting, fire displays and flashing lights, thousands and thousands and thousands of people covered in neon body paint, dancing and drinking and going absolutely insane…

* Take note as to how may girls you see in the videos *

With a couple of beers down, I was in the middle of it all.  Watching the video is certainly no substitute for experiencing an actual Full Moon Party but at least now you have an idea of what went on that night. I can't even begin to describe the anarchy that ensued. The beach was lined with bars and vendors selling buckets of alcohol, where you were able to pick your poison: cheap vodka or Thai whiskey. There were so many dance parties up and down the beach, it was easy to get lost. People were walking/standing/dancing shoulder to shoulder in some areas. pureeee madness.

Part of my night was dedicated to sitting on the beach and people watching—the progression of people from their pre, during, to post-drunken phases will never cease to amuse me; people got crazier and crazier by early morning and nobody cared! Everyone was in their own little world, doing what they felt they needed to do...  

Fast forward to 6:30am the next morning…people were still going strong.

* Take note as to how may girls you see in the videos *  
That morning was pretty gross. On our ferry to Koh Samui, the next island over, people were sitting hunched back and staring off into space (if not passed out) with bags under their eyes and body paint peeling off their exhausted bodies. Some people were walking around with fresh cuts, scrapes, and bandages on their flip-flopless-alcohol-and-dirt-stained-feet from the broken glass scattered along the beach. It was a battle field out there.

How I survived that night without a scratch or feeling like complete and utter crap, the world may never know. But I’m ready for the next one...

Before the Party

After the Party...

I can only imagine some of the things the clean up crew found the next day...
Last thing...

If I had to complain about anything, it would be this: the island was taken over by sausages in neon daisy dukes. The ratio of guys to girls had to be something like 4:1 probably even more. Now, I'm usually not one to complain about something like that because more guys means more choices for me (semi-kidding). BUT the vast majority of these guys were your stereotypical bros--meatheads with unproportional bodies (A.C. Slater's upper body but Screech's legs), walking around with their chest out, arms semi-flexed, and neon shorts. I just threw up a little in my mouth.

1 comment:

  1. Full Moon Party Dates Koh Phangan Thailand
