Thursday, July 31, 2014

Resurfacer, Queen of Positivity

I may be a little crazy to say this but there’s something refreshing about hitting rock bottom…or at least getting close to it…or reaching the bottom-est place you ever want to get. It’s at that moment you’re put in a position to make a real life decision. There is no Limbo or safety net or security blanket or even time. Just you and whatever you need.

Complete this sentence with the best possible answer:

When you sink to an all time low, you have to do what you have to do to in order to:

A)   Resurface
B)   Resurface
C)   Resurface
D)   Resurface

Clearly I’m not a sinker.

Despite my outward persona for the last couple months, I’m ready to admit that I wasn’t in the best place mentally or emotionally. Granted I didn’t go off the deep end, but I definitely made poor decisions and will freely admit that I didn’t love myself to the degree that I should have. And, of course, nobody knew this at the time because I was out swimming in The Nile (now saw it faster…The Nile, The Nile, De Nile, Denile, Denial, BINGO!).

But with all that said and out of the way:

I’m awesome and I know it…

Cheers to resurfacing.