Thursday, January 13, 2011


I'm 24 on Saturday & I can't help but think how much older "24" sounds than "23". "24" is almost "25", "25" is considered mid-twenties. At "25" you round up to "30". holy shit, I'm almost 30! Talk about sounding ancient.

I'm laughing at myself as I write this because I'm really freaking myself out.

* deep breath *

Minor pre-quarter life crisis rant over and done with. Let's think bigger picture here. Considering that I'm going to live until I'm 110, "24" is not old. I still got 78% more life to go! HOLLA! 24 is good solid round number. 24 says, "I'm mature but know how to party," kinda like Richard Anderson's mullet in Macgyver (wow, pulled that name out of nowhere), or any mullet really, business in the front, party in the back. Okay maybe not so much like the popular 80s hairstyle but a similar concept. 

I've partied just about every year for my birthday since turning 21, recalling any other birthday prior to that is impossible. January 15, 2008 - 21! - while home from college, a random coffee night with a friend on January 14, turned into drinks at The Chalet in Eagle Rock at midnight. I praised the porcelain gods that night. January 15, 2009 - 22 - a late night dinner at Chili's in Seaside, CA. I think my birthday fell on a weekday, I'm sure I partied that weekend. I can't remember. January 15, 2010 - 23 - Dinner and tequila shots at Peppers, followed by pool at Blue Fin and more tequila, and praising the side of a buddy's car. my bad. January 15, 2011 - 24 - I'll be bringing in my 24th year of life partying in Bangkok most likely in a bar or a club somewhere on Khao San Road or near Sukhumvit, and I'll probably end my night going home with some random guy (JUST KIDDING, DAD! you can push you eyes back in their sockets. I'll at least let him buy me a drink first...ok, ok, still joking. relax.).

What makes this year different from any other birthday, besides the fact that I know when to stop drinking, is my mindset. I see things and think differently from a year ago. The difference between now and then is that I know I can turn my ideas into dreams (reference to my very first blog). 24 is where my adventure begins. I welcome 24 and 2011, with an open mind, unattached, and as free as a bird. Ahhh, romanticism...I'll end with this:

24 and 2011, prepare to be owned. 
<3 kj


  1. I'm reading this and I'm thinking, what has gotten into her. She became uncontrollably wild: booze, all night party, and now any random dude??!@#$%^$, is this a joke? Then I saw the " just kidding dad" part, iiis a joke..but I did grab my eyeballs and popped 'em back in....I knew you're trying to give me a heart attack, but it won't work because my heart is steel plated!!!luv dad..

  2. You're WAAAAY too young to be pulling out MacGyver references...

  3. hahah i used to watch it with mom and at grandma's house.

  4. 24?? are you sure your not turning 23 kj?? hahahaha dude you are awesome! I love reading your posts cause I can totally picture you saying all of it, like your sitting right in front of me. Wish I could celebrate with you! Enjoy your birthday lady! Ill be thinking about you! Have fun and be safe! Love you!

  5. We will toast to you at my niece's birthday party, she is 10! Jajaja. Love ya' babe, lovin' your blogs and YES, I too can practically see you in front of me telling these tales and sharing your adventures. Salut my darling! Mama Liz

  6. happy b-day to you* happy b-day to you* happy b-day dear Kristin* happy b-day to youuuuuu...I'm out of breath....luv dad...

  7. Praising a side of a buddy's car last year? Yeah I remember that. I also remember you crawling inside the house, down the hall, and up the stairs.

  8. hahaha Oh, Daniel, you've seen me at my best.
