Monday, November 1, 2010

Thailand, you are one interesting place.

Yes, tourists like this do exist.

No, Mom & Dad, this isn't my Thai mugshot.
You're just not allowed to smile in passport/official document photos.

Feet post on top of the porcelain thrown & pop a squat.
I can't get use to it.

Ice & beer, anyone?

Nori (Seaweed) Flavored Lays

Real G's end up on coozies.

But the realest G's chill with their gun racks.

Thai coaster

What can I say? It's a mermaid and ascetic.

If you ever need mannequin feet, hit me up.
I got the connects.

Thailand's one stop shop:
shoes, skirts, shirts, jewelry, and fish.


  1. HAHAHAHA!!! These pics are awesome! I think about you all the time, sista!!! I hope you are having a great time!
    love you girl,

  2. I need mannequin feet!!
    Keep the blog entries coming, but definitely NOT at the expense of more experiences outside.

    Love you!

  3. EmSKI! hey girlfriend! I'm having an awesome time. The food is great, the people are so warm, and it's permanently summer here. what more can I ask for?! I miss you guys though! :) I think I should plan another trip up north to see you guys again!

  4. I already told you, the trapazoidal shape of the key is because of international basketball rules. You're not going to find a rectangular key out there.

  5. I know that now, oh smart one. Thank you for dropping the knowledge, but I wrote that section before we had our conversation.

    annnnd you totally commented on the wrong entry. :)
