Saturday, July 17, 2010

Honey, I am home...

LA, where everybody is a "somebody", traffic is a day long event, and the most physical activity people get in a day comes from working their thumbs on their not-so-dumb cellular. Everything is so Hollywood-glam-d-list-famous. This is VERY different from what I am used to and not in a good way. BUT! (and this is a huge BUT) There is one thing that keeps me coming back for more; my people. (And for the record, this goes out to my Monterey folks, "my people" does not only refer to the substantial increase of Filipinos/Asians/Pacific Islanders...ya jerks!) My people are those I've rolled with for some time now, those I don't have to REconnect with because that connection was never lost, those I didn't see or speak with for months at a time but since coming back, it's as though those five years were just five minutes. They got me, like I got them.

So check this out, it was hard to let go of what I had in Monterey-a good boyfriend, great friends, and a beautiful environment. Moving back wasn't even my first choice. I was an emotional mess the few weeks leading up to the big move and my first week an a half in LA; it was a tough transition. Waking up in the back unit of my parents' house took some getting used to. No more Monterey. No more Wilson Court. How do you even begin to let go of someone, people, and a place, you don't want to get over? Ah. It WAS hard. BUT! (yes, there's that but again) what's the perfect cure to any hardship and guaranteed to fix any issue? FRIENDS & FAMILY!

It's been so long since I've been able to kick it in LA with homies...(like reallllllly kick it) kickin it like conversing over bossa novas, pick up ball at Brace, coffee table beer pong, wine night, and shot gunning bud lights with my girls (hahaha!), and just chilling...with people who just get me and where I am in life. Honey, I am home. You guys are exactly what the doctor ordered. Because of you, I am happy; I have let go of Monterey and all that it came with.

For real, the friends I've made over the years in MB are incredibly-over-the-top-shoot-for-the-moon-amazing and a piece of me still wants to be up there with them...but I know I made the right decision. Five years on the good 'ol Ord was enough for me. On to another challenge waiting to be conquered...after a quick stop in LA.

To my people in Monterey, distance means nothing. I know next time we meet we will hang like we used to, laugh like we used to, and party like we used to. I miss you guys. A lot. A lot.

To my people in LA, you keep me grounded. You keep things interesting and me on my toes. You are my best friends (in Janette's case, you are my partna in crime!). We have until October to do it up right...

I love you all, whether you are in LA or Monterey or somewhere in between. I got you.



  1. awesome, i love good reads. hi tin!

  2. You wouldn't be shotgunning bud lights if it weren't for me. You're welcome.

  3. thanks KIMbo Slizzzice. <3

    and, yes, d-meister, if i have learned anything from you, it is how to shot gun a beer. thanks for making me such a skillful drinker.

  4. Um...I'm not 100% sure why, but this made me cry. Happy/Sad/WTF kind of tears. I'm really happy for you, Kristin. Like REALLY happy for you. I might even be a little bit envious of you...BUT (that's a big but..) I miss you tons and wish LA and MB were just a little closer so we could do quick day trips to hang out!

    Take care of our girl, LA!

  5. I have to second what Christa said...I'm really really happy for you too, girlfriend! You have so much coming up in these next few months and during this time, enjoy yourself! You have worked so hard these past years, and have had some great dreams, and this is the time (especially before a big adventure!) to live it up and hang out with those you love! I must say...I miss you a ton. Even though I'm not living in Monterey, I still feel like every time I go down I am going to see your beautiful face and we are going to go on our own little adventure together. But even though I miss you like crazy, I know you are doing the right thing and you will have a blast, my friend!
    Keep up the blogging! Its great!
    Love you lots,
    Em Z

  6. My Ladies!!! i miss you and love you both so muchhh!

    Christa, don't be a pansy. :) jk thanks sooo much, CT!

    Em, even thought you don't live in MB you're soooo included when i refer to my "Monterey People". And although I miss our MB adventures, I look forward to our future adventures because, lady, you're my girlfriend for life!

    love you both!

