This one time, I tested positive for Chameleon, a favorable personality because (according
to my answers) I am more likely to work well with others, less likely to cause
conflict, and am able to adapt to any situation with more ease than most. I’m also a giver, a lover of love, and the type who wants
everyone smiling. Because…
Why else are we here if we don’t bask in the warmth of hearts, hugs, & happiness?
Yes. I know I come off a bit naïve, definitely granola, but I’m a firm believer that societal and personal success is found through interdependence, sharing, and cohesion. On the flip side, you and I can see just how this mentality can lead to all sorts of issues...especially when you (meaning me) assume that everyone already thinks the same as you (again, not you) do.
So what's the point?
Well, if I were a pizza, I’d be a combo slice of TOO giving and conformity caving. They’d call it the People Pleaser. The perfect toppings for any avid-toe-stepping-nay-saying-avoider, who looks for the right answers to opinion based questions.
Yup. That was me...and still is to a certain degree. But I
am learning…
...and growing a pair.
In the last two years, I’ve worked myself until I had
nothing else to give professionally, emotionally, and mentally--all because the
ratio of give to receive was never in equilibrium. Which brings me to why I left
Arizona. Plain and simple, black and white…
I wasn’t happy. I
wasn’t learning. I didn’t care.
My give tank was on
I decided that I’m no longer going to receive less than
what I deserve…and neither should you. It’s so common for people who are great
givers to be terrible takers because we fail to recognize that receiving well is just as important. I want you to think about why you give and then apply that reason
to why people would want to give to you. Recognize your worth and know that it’s
perfectly okay to take (just remember to say "thank you") and feel appreciated. With that said, wherever you fall on the Give/Receive Continuum, whether it’s far left or far right, the closer we are to the center, the better this world will be.
Cheers to setting your standard!
Balanced interdependence is a great gift and a very difficult relationship to find, especially in Los Angeles where everyone seem to only want to take.